Recipe for a blog
If you wanted to make a blog like this one, you could use Jekyll, Hugo or Zola to generate some static pages with a good theme and host them on GitHub pages or Cloudflare. That would be the sane way to go about creating a blog, or an even simpler way would be to use Medium, Tumblr or Blogger to create a blog without needing to host the pages or even ever touch a piece of code ever.
Unfortunately, there is a parasite in my brain that tells me to make everything from scratch, and most of my projects suffer from that bug. I might address this in a future post, but for now I will give you the recipe for making this blog site.
- A Markdown processor
- An http library
- A computer to host it on
- Disregard for development time
- Spare time
- Passion for making everything in Rust (even when you really don't need to)
- Inspiration
Finding inspiration
The most important ingredient to a blog page for me is making it easy to read, select, copy and browse through. If you look at Medium, a user-generated blog content site mentioned earlier, they have a little thing that pops-up whenever you highlight any piece of text with a shortcut to share that excerpt on X (formerly Twitter). I think that it really distracts from the post content and I didn't really want that.
Looking at blogger, it is very readable, but after browsing a few blogs, it has very limited customization and I wanted to have a simpler look. I also wanted all of my posts to be written not to a database but files in a git repository so that I could back up every change I've ever made to the posts as well as making the blog posts easy to edit with any text editor.
I eventually tried to find some other programmer's blogs, and the best way to find them was to watch videos that "react" to blog posts, specifically the youtubers "Theo" and "Primeagen", which actually led me to find the blog style that I liked the most, Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings.
Armin Ronacher seems to be a very prolific character in open-source communities with a lot of contributions to several open-source libraries and applications and their blog style is really what I want in a blog. So I had found my inspiration.
Picking the core flavour
Both at work and in my hobbies, I have created Markdown-based web projects and applications, I really like Markdown. It is so simple to write even to non-web developers. Here's a small excerpt of what markdown looks like:
## Here is a heading, a title
This is a paragraph, _this test is in italics_, **this one is in bold**.

Some of my projects already use markdown like Doky CMS PHP a laravel-based documentation serving site, which lets you write markdown directly both in the git repository and the logged in frontend.
At work, I created a blog manager that lets you create more complicated blogs for the company's blog on Shopify which I unfortunately cannot include screenshots of yet (but I wish I could).
Both of these CMS (content management systems) were made using Laravel and have basis on markdown-to-html generation and were very fun to make since Laravel is such a feature-full framework. But when I decided to make this blog, I decided to move the starting point to another place, a place with fewer batteries included and more from scratch programming.
The spices to the blog
At this point I only had created one Rust-based website, the site which is fully powered by Rust libraries only (besides nginx).
I made that site after making the other two Laravel-based CMS sites but wanted to explore more about creating a more dynamic site with Rust. I landed on some starting libraries:
- Actix-web - A simple web framework that just handles routing and handling multithreaded http requests and responses as well as application resources between threads. An example of a route is shown bellow.
async fn hello() -> impl Responder {
HttpResponse::Ok().body("Hello world!")
- pulldown-cmark - An efficient and reliable parser for CommonMark which is the standard of markdown I am used to writing in.
- Tera - At work, I used to use Twig for templating since it was part of OpenCart and Tera's syntax is pretty similar to Twig.
{% extends 'layouts/base' %}
{% block content %}
<div class="container p-4 md:p-8">
<article class="prose prose-neutral dark:prose-invert mx-auto">
{{ content | safe }}
{% endblock content %}
- TailwindCSS - Styling library to help me speed up development time.
Connecting all these together to make a site was more difficult than I initially expected. The fact that Actix was so bare bones meant that I had to write all the application services that made rendering a template from Tera possible, which means I ended up writing a wrapper that sits around Tera to load all the templates files in and passing the render variables so that they can be rendered easily on request. I also had to write a caching service so that I could render the posts on request and save them for the next request. Then I also had to write a loader service that would load the markdown files at the start of the application into memory so that it could be faster to render them once needed.
Another thing is that TailwindCSS is a npm package (for now) so I also had to add the tailwind processor to the file, a file that compiles as a separate executable that runs before building your program that does any extra actions needed for your program to run.
After setting up all that, I found myself some fresh dopamine because the first page I created looked like this:
The subtle off-black coloring. The tasteful red highlights. Oh, my God... It even has a source code block with syntax highlighting.
I would like to thank Armin Ronacher for the inspiration for this theme. Please check out his blog for great content on web development and open-source projects.
Plating the blog
Initially, I wanted to host this on, a service that lets you host docker containers on their servers, but I found that it was a bit hard to get the site to run on their servers while also letting me connect with a domain name. So I decided to just host it on a VPS server which I also host Meetballs on.
To host the server, I cloned the repository onto the server and ran the cargo build --release
command to build the project. To make the server run and
restart on a crash, I used the systemd
service manager to run the server as a
service. Here's the actual service file I used to run the server.
After setting up the service file, I ran the systemctl enable piresgg-server
command to enable the service and then ran the systemctl start piresgg-server
command to start the server. The server was now running on the VPS server and
I just used cloudflare to point the domain to the server's IP address.
Some ingredients that I skimmed past
I figured that this website might one day have more than 5 visitors at a time, so I decided to add it to Cloudflare to cache the site and serve it faster to the users.
I also added the compression middleware to the server so that the server would
compress the responses before sending them to the client. This is done by
adding the actix-web
middleware to the server like bellow which uses the gzip
compression algorithm to compress the responses. This is to make the site load
faster and save bandwidth.
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// ...
HttpServer::new(move || {
// ...
// ...
// ...
I know some people who use RSS feeds to read blogs, so I added an RSS feed to the site so that they could read the posts in their feed reader. It is using the Atom standard and is available at /feed.atom.
Images take a big clump of the bandwidth so on the file I added a
dependency to compress any images in the content/images
directory that
copies and compresses the images to the public/images
directory. This is
done by using the oxipng
Any javascript or css files are also minified and compressed using esbuild
every time the server is built in production mode.
I really like my blog, it is simple, easy to read and easy to write. But it has some issues I didn't address in this post, like the fact that the server has no 404 page since I couldn't figure out how to catch the 404 error in the Actix server. There is no comment section, no search functionality, no tags and no categories. But those are all planned features that I will try to add as needed.
I don't exactly know why I made this blog, after attending so many programming meetups locally and online, I found that there is so many different types of programmers around the world and I wanted to share my point of view with any that find themselves struggling with the same issues I have.
I don't know how to end a blog post, but I will get better at it with time. See you in the next post.